Solo and Duo will soon be available! - MYCANOE

March 22, 2021

Thank you for your continued support! We spent entire winter and early this year to fine-tune our much-improved new models, Solo and Duo. Yes, Solo. You asked, we listened. Solo is 10-ft long, 32-inch wide one-seater weighing 27 lbs. You can assemble it under 3 mins and you can carry up to 330 lbs. 

Duo is 14.5 ft, 35 inch wide and weighs 43 lbs. Two-seat and maximum loading capacity is 480 lbs.

The new models are much easier to assemble and have better maneuverability and stability than our previous models. We are extremely exited to introduce Solo and Duo.

 Please sign up our newsletter for promotions and updates. We will soon start a pre-order promotion (the best offer). Can’t wait to see Solo and Duo in action!