Whitewater Rafting in an Origami Canoe | Foldable Boats vs Inflatable Kayaks - MYCANOE

January 09, 2023

White water canoeing is lots of fun, but it's often essential to get where you want to go. Also, you may encounter whitewater when canoeing unexpectedly due to change in weather conditions. So what is the best way to go about it when paddling in whitewater in your foldable canoe?

In this article, we will cover the basics of whitewater canoeing with a folding canoe. You learn how to stay safe while getting tips for whitewater canoeing with a foldable boat.

Can You Use A Foldable Canoe In White Water?

A foldable canoe is perfectly suitable for white water use. In fact, many people prefer them to inflatable canoes as their performance is much closer to a traditional rigid canoe or kayak. But there are a few things you need to consider before you take your folding canoe into white water.

First, you need to be sure how deep the water is. Even though modern, folding canoes are robust, their integrity may be compromised if they are constantly getting bashed by rocks in shallow water. However, the odd rock strike here and there shouldn't bother you too much. Still, it is best to use your foldable canoe in deeper whitewater or be confident that you can stick to your planned and line down the rapids.

Man whitewater rafting in a foldable kayak MyCanoe Solo folding boat

When you compare a foldable canoe with an inflatable, you will find that an inflatable will be a little more forgiving when it comes to choppy water. This is because the softer material absorbs shock, but they don't offer as much control as less of the hull sits below the waterline.

It is also a good idea to know what your foldable canoe is capable of in terms of the class of rapids it is designed for. If you are unsure, contact your foldable canoe supplier or manufacturer for a definitive answer so you don't push it beyond its limits.

Riding Whitewater In A Foldable Canoe

Before you head out onto the river, it is essential that you understand the basics of whitewater canoeing, especially in a foldable canoe. Therefore, we will share some basic safety information to prevent you from getting into trouble.

Rapid Classifications

Rapids have different classifications regarding difficulty level. The classification process is complex, but here is an overview of what you can expect;

Whitewater class

Class I – Reasonably fast-moving water with a few small waves. Ideal for casual paddling that poses minimal risk. You'll have no problem using a folding canoe in these waters.

Class II – Slightly faster water with some mid-sized waves and maybe a few rocks to avoid. These rapids tend to be reasonably wide with clear lines through. Class II rapids should not hinder a folding canoe.

Class III – Suitable for intermediate paddlers who can cope with slightly larger waves, hidden obstacles, and reasonably powerful currents. If you are reasonably proficient at paddling, Class III rapids are manageable in a folding canoe but don't expect a comfortable ride.

Class IV – Should only be attempted by advanced people who can deal with powerful rapids, large holes, big waves, and other hazards. It's best to scout these rapids before riding them. You'd need to be very confident in your skills and your foldable canoe to attempt Class IV rapids.

Class V – Expert whitewater featuring large and unavoidable rapids. These should only be attempted by experienced paddlers.

Class VI – Extreme river sections that require scouting and experienced rescuers on standby.

If you're new to white water, try to stick to Class I and II rivers. You probably wouldn't want to take a foldable canoe in anything more serious, anyway.

Tips For Riding Whitewater In A Foldable Canoe

Wear Protection

When riding white water in a foldable canoe, or any canoe for that matter, you should always wear a floatation jacket and helmet. If the worst should happen and your folding canoe capsizes, your flotation jacket will keep you on top of the water, so you can swim to safety. Rapids are caused by water flowing through rocks; therefore, wearing a helmet will protect your head if you end up in the water.

Look for the downstream V

The downstream V is the flow of smooth water between two rocks or obstacles. If you navigate your foldable canoe into the downstream V, your passage through the rocks will be much more pleasant and fun. It can be tricky to spot the downstream V in rapids rated at Class III and above; therefore, the safest thing to do is stop and scout the rapids if necessary.

The whitewater downstream v in class 2 whitewater

Take Waves On the Bow

When navigating rapids, it's best to hit any waves with the bow than on the side of your boat. Your bow will cut through the wave, but if the wave hits the side of your boat, it may capsize.

Keep The Speed Down

Speed is lots of fun; however, when it comes to taking a foldable canoe through whitewater, slow and smooth is a much better approach. If you go too fast, you'll find navigating obstacles and rocks difficult.

Tell Someone About Your Route

Before you take your foldable kayak onto the river, plan your route carefully and share it with somebody. It is also a good idea to stay in contact with them if possible, so they know you are safe and well. Your plan should also take into account stop-off places and areas where you may have to take your boat out of the water and walk past tricky sections.

four people canoeing in their foldable canoes MyCanoe Solo

Final Thoughts

Whitewater canoeing is one of the most fun things you can do with an origami canoe. It opens up lots of potential for fun on the water, from confidently picking your way through obstacles to the pure enjoyment of cruising down long rivers.

If you are new to whitewater, canoeing starts with lower-class rapids on mild rivers. Then as your skills improve, experiment with faster-moving water and more adventurous routes. But whatever you do, make sure you are fully prepared and you are as safe as possible.

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