Try Before You Buy! Rent a MyCanoe Solo or Duo Folding Canoe - MYCANOE


With continued 5-star customer feedback, we believe in the quality of MyCanoe. If you are still not sure and want a rental first to make sure, here is how it works:

1. Book a rental here - Basic model, MyCanoe 3.0 or Plus.

2. You will have 7 days to paddle from the delivery date. Plan well so that you take an advantage of the full 7 days. We need your order at least 10 days prior to your planned outing date. Please leave a note your preferred delivery date. We are not able to guarantee it, but will try.

3. If you like to keep it, your rental fee will be applied to the purchase of the canoe. If you don't like it, you return it (we will provide a pre-paid return shipping). This program can not be combined with any sales or promotions, unless mentioned otherwise.



  • This program is for those who want to purchase MyCanoe but would like to give it a try before buying. This is not a straight rental program for those who are looking for a short term rental.
  • If you choose to return your boat, you need to either drop it off to a nearest shipping carrier or to a secure pick up location. Late return fee will apply.
  • If you like the boat, but want to return it for a different model, we can do that too! We will provide you with a code for the amount of the rental and that will also be taken off any other canoe or boat purchase you make. You still have to return the rental boat, as described above, but we will ship you the model you really want. 
  • When return, all the parts and materials, including original inner and outer packaging, must be returned.
  • If you do not return the boat within a week of the return date, we will charge your card in full until the boat is returned.
  • Reasonable wear and tear for your trial is acceptable, but excessive damage will be accessed and charged to your credit card.
  • The Program is valid for only lower 48 States. 